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Full Publications

Preprints, Conference Papers, and Journal Papers.

Selected Publications on Theory and Algorithms for Deep Learning with Foundation Models.


  • From Artificial Needles to Real Haystacks: Improving Retrieval Capabilities in LLMs by Finetuning on Synthetic Data
    Zheyang Xiong, Vasilis Papageorgiou, Kangwook Lee, and Dimitris Papailiopoulos
    Arxiv 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Can MLLMs Perform Text-to-Image In-Context Learning?
    Yuchen Zeng*, Wonjun Kang*, Yicong Chen, Hyung Il Koo, and Kangwook Lee
    COLM 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Mini-Batch Optimization of Contrastive Loss
    Jaewoong Cho*, Kartik Sreenivasan*, Keon Lee, Kyunghoo Mun, Soheun Yi, Jeong-Gwan Lee, Anna Lee, Jy-yong Sohn, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Kangwook Lee
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Dual Operating Modes of In-Context Learning
    Ziqian Lin and Kangwook Lee
    ICML 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Can Mamba Learn How To Learn? A Comparative Study on In-Context Learning Tasks
    Jongho Park, Jaeseung Park, Zheyang Xiong, Nayoung Lee, Jaewoong Cho, Samet Oymak, Kangwook Lee, Dimitris Papailiopoulos
    ICML 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Predictive Pipelined Decoding: A Compute-Latency Trade-off for Exact LLM Decoding
    Seongjun Yang, Gibbeum Lee, Jaewoong Cho, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Kangwook Lee
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 2024
  • Memorization Capacity for Additive Fine-Tuning with Small ReLU Networks
    Jy-yong Sohn, Dohyun Kwon, Seoyeon An, Kangwook Lee
    UAI 2024 | Summary | Github
  • The Expressive Power of Low-Rank Adaptation
    Yuchen Zeng and Kangwook Lee
    ICLR 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Image Clustering Conditioned on Text Criteria
    Sehyun Kwon, Jaeseung Park, Minkyu Kim, Jaewoong Cho, Ernest K. Ryu, and Kangwook Lee
    ICLR 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Teaching Arithmetic to Small Transformers
    Nayoung Lee, Kartik Sreenivasan, Jason Lee, Kangwook Lee, and Dimitris Papailiopoulos
    ICLR 2024 | Summary | Github
  • Looped Transformers are Better at Learning Learning Algorithms
    Liu Yang, Kangwook Lee, Robert D Nowak, and Dimitris Papailiopoulos
    ICLR 2024 | Summary | Github